Saturday, February 1, 2014

Real Estate Buyers And Sellers: What Do Buyers And Sellers Pay At Closing? Financial Knowledge

Buyers And Sellers: What Do Buyers And Sellers Pay In Closing Costs? This blog powered buy  -

If you never been through a real real estate closing before, you might imagine sitting around a large table where at the end of escrow, you're presented with an itemized list of big expenses required to close the deal.

But that's not always the reality. While people still do meet around the table at the closing, today some closings happen virtually.

The buyers and the sellers can sign the necessary documents remotely and wire money for the closing.

If you're new in real estate, or haven't bought or sold in a while, here's what you need to know about closing costs.

Buyers have more costs,  but usually pay less than sellers in a closing,
both buyers and sellers have costs.

A buyer should receive Truth in Lending'' statement early on in the sale process.

This document spells out all the approximate costs the buyer will face when making the purchase, so there aren't any surprise at closing. some buyers use the ''Truth in Lending'' statement to shop for different lenders, interest rates and costs. This blog powered buy  And Financial Academy School.Com --
 Getting a loan, buying a home, some expenses, such as property taxes or homeowners association dues and paid, are pro-rated  and paid at the time of closing. prepaid interest on the loan upfront,

View the following costs: Appraisal fees, Origination Fees, Pre-paid interest, Pre-paid Insurance, Tax Servicing Fees, Credit Report Fees, Bank Processing Fees, Recording Fees, Notary Fees, Title Insurance Fees ETC.
Be sure  to go through these fees line by line with your professionals assistant, advisers or counselors to understand exactly what they  are and how they apply to your loan.

Sometimes, sellers  accepting paying part of the buyers fees depending of the contract. Otherwise the seller usually bears the biggest and heaviest load which is the commission. Mr. Or Mrs. Buyer, remember that the realtor who is helping you, getting PAY by the seller not you. you get the help that you need, you get the realtor's time, you're using his expertise, but you don't pay him/her nothing, WOW. 

The real estate sales commission  paid by the seller used to pay seller's agent and company -  also buyer's agent and company.
The commission is based on a percentage of the total sale price according to the contract, so it tends to be the biggest fee. This blog powered buy  And Financial Academy School.Com --
Buyer or future buyers remember that in any real state deal there is always room for negotiation.
All fees and charges are negotiable during the real estate transaction.

This Is Prepared  For You By Anthony Jeanty From and Financial Academy School.Com - Antony Is Real Estate Professional, Realtor. Located In The State Of Florida.- 
 With The South Florida's Finest Real Estate Company. We're Reliable, Superior Client Service, Market Experience. Home Selling - Home Listing - Home Buying - Commercial Or Residential.


Mortgage Home Loans: The loan officer needs:
#1. Credit History - Credit Report and Score.
#2. Income verification
#3. Employment History and Verification
#4. Bank Accounts, At Least 2 Months Statements, Sources of Income
#5. The Last 4 Most Recent Pay-stubs
#6. At least 2 Years Income Tax Return
#7. Resident History
This Is Prepared  For You By Anthony Jeanty From and Financial Academy School.Com - Antony Is Real Estate Professional, Realtor. Located In The State Of Florida. - 
With The South Florida's Finest Real Estate Company. We're Reliable, Superior Client Service, Market Experience. Home Selling - Home Listing - Home Buying - Commercial Or Residential.

Home Buyer or Mortgage Loan Applicant: You should receive:
#1. A consumer protection form and disclosure
#2. ECOA, The Hud booklet
#3. Good Faith Estimate
#4. Mortgage Service Disclosure

Applicant must sign authorization form permitting: Verification of assets, employment, and credit report.
After the pre-qualification process before loan appraisal; a copy of the purchase and sale contract and a copy  of the earnest money deposit from the realtor must be given to the lender.

This Is Prepared  For You By Anthony Jeanty From and Financial Academy School.Com - Antony Is Real Estate Professional, Realtor. Located In The State Of Florida - With The South Florida's Finest Real Estate Company. We're Reliable, Superior Client Service, Market Experience. Home Selling - Home Listing - Home Buying - Commercial Or Residential.
